Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Smash ball ticket giveaway!

If you live in Arizona or Utah you could win a ticket, but if your like me and live on the other side of the country you can still enter and win a swag bag! follow the link to enter!

um... This is super exiting!!! I actually won!
I never win anything! For real!

Monday, December 3, 2012

A week of Instagram

I'm not really sure why I can't keep a schedule of posting these every week.
I should have added time management and memory practice to my birthday list...

Xo Jenn

Saturday, December 1, 2012

9,132 days old

Yesterday was my 25th birthday!
Happy birthday to me! Happy birthday to me! ...
Bee had to work but I had a wonderful time despite that.
I've come up with my list for the year.
Things I want to accomplish, things to be reminded of, and most of all things to live for!

1. Be grateful for all the things I have.
Instead of always wishing for the next thing, I want to consciously make an effort to be thankful for what I DO have. Even the small things!

2. Connect with the ones I love.
This one sounds easy, but how many times in our day to day lives do we REALLY make a connection with other people? I'm not talking about Facebook, Instagram, twitter, I'm not even really talking about over the phone, but lets face it. We don't all have the luxury of living close to the ones we love. I want to make an effort to send more hand written letters. To make cards, to invite friends over, I want to make an effort to spend more quality time with Brad, walks, cuddling, playing, even learning something from one another.
...phew that was a big one!

3. Be healthy for me.
I haven't been the skinny girl in years, probably almost 10 years. I don't necessarily want to change that, but I do want to make a big effort to be more healthy. Eating more fresh, less processed, choosing more heart healthy activities. QUITTING Smoking. Drinking more water and less crap.

4. Do things I want to do.
This one is big! I think that so often when we first get married we are constantly doing things for our spouse, things we think they want us to do, to be like. We forget they fell in love with US, with who we are! And I think it's important not to forget that! So this year I want to focus on doing more things for me.

5. Think about what I want.
This one sort of ties in with #4 but I want to elaborate, I need to do things for me and my life, not be worried what other people will think. I believe that a lot of the choices I make I make with how other people will react in my mind. That's not healthy. I need to make my choices based on what I need, what will help me enjoy life more and succeed!

6. Go on more dates with myself.
Does anyone else do this? Who cares of no one else wants to see that movie, so what if they don't like sushi, or burgers, or .... Ice cream (I'm kidding about that one who doesn't like ice cream?) I want to start just going and doing these things I want to do. If I want to go to the beach I'm going (that's the plus of living 15 minutes from the ocean you can go to the beach!) if I want to see twilight, or safe haven, or magic mike, or any of the movies that I really want to see I'm going to go to them! If I want to go to the zoo, or a museum I'm gonna go!

7. Practice makes perfect.
I want to read more, paint more, craft more, photograph more, sing more, dance more, be more.

I'm sure there's more that I want to add to this list, but for now I have plenty to do.

The motto for this year will be....
Carpe Diem

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”
― Mahatma Gandhi

Xoxo Jenn

Ps I'm writing this on my phone... Their may be a few grammatical errors. Whoopsie!