Wednesday, August 28, 2013

{29 weeks }

Dear Brody. 
Oh my little bee, your not so little anymore! Weighing in at almost three ponds and a whopping 17 inches from head to toe! I can't believe how much your growing and how fast it seems. Slow down a little will you? Still things we need to take care of in your nursery. But not to worry. I have a cup of black coffee so I'm going to be in there today. I love you my little kangaroo ninja! 

Sooooo at 29 weeks and 0 days I went to the naval hospital for my nutrition counseling for the study I'm participating in. 
She went over breast feeding with me and all the important parts. I assured her that's what we would be doing. 
Then she went to check with Dr. Staub about my glucose test the day before. 

They both came back to me together. 
To tell me I failed it. 
I have gestational diabetes. 
Not to worry though. My numbers weren't that horrible. 

Normal ranges are in (-)'s and mine are on the left.... 
See not too bad. Soo we are going to try and fix it with adjusting my diet. Counting carbs, portion control, and checking my sugars when I wake up and after I eat. 

So they sent me over to the pharmacy. 

With huge bag of "goodies" including a glucose meter, test strips, lancets, and  alcohol wipes. 
She helped me set it all up. 

I've got a journal to keep track of what I eat and when, how many carb choices I have, how much I ate. Then about two hours later I prick my finger and check my sugar. 
It's going to be a lot of trial and error to see what works and what is outof the   question. 
My body just isn't processing glucose very well so I have to watch my intake. 
It's not that huge if a deal because its for my Brody. 
I want him to be healthy. 
I want to have a normal vaginal birth. 
With a normal sized baby. 
I want to be healthy. 
And I want to set him up with good habits for life so he doesn't have any higher of a risk of being diabetic. 
I owe so so so many props to anyone who lives and manages with their diabetes well. It's a hard and very overwhelming thing to handle at first. But I know practice makes perfect and I'm determined to fix this with just changing my diet and exercising. 

28 weeks.

Dear baby bee. 
Um 28 weeks?! Do you know what this means!???? It means we are officially in the third trimester. That is craaaayyyzzyyy
It also officially means I need to bend over to see my toes. It means that your pretty much ready to go, still growing those little merman lungs though so stay in a while longer eh? I guess you can wink now which is really exciting. I jut learned to wink over the past two years so I'm not far behind.... Your buddy taught me how. 
So just one favor to ask? Can you kindly quit punching or stomping on my bladder? I'm sure you and everyone else thinks its quite funny when I need to stop what I'm doing and run to the bathroom but it can be pretty inconvenient. 

I love you anyways. 
Always and forever. Xoxo 

Something a little scary I failed the glucose screening test so I had to go back Monday morning to take the three hour test, it's not ANY fun. And made me feel sick all day. I was beat. I had a horrible headache (if you remember my doctor said (due to my blood pressure being high a couple times) that if I get a headache that does not go away with Tylenol to call them.) so I called L&D triage. (Labor and delivery) and told them what was going on. They said I needed to come in ASAP. 
Set me up with monitors to listen to you. You sound like a horse trotting. It's really cool. 
My BP was fine. They have me fioricet for my headache (is that spelled wrong?) it knocked me out so Brad had to come drive me home. 
Had some dinner and went to bed. Thank God 28 weeks is over it was a whirl wind. 

27 weeks.

27 weeks
Dear baby bee,
I can't believe there's only 90 days left. That's like three months! The books say your 2 1/2 lbs and about 16 inches long. They say that you have started to dream too! I think that's so neat and I hope your dreams are sweet :)
We got your stroller and car seat, and are working in your room this week too!
Lots of love little man

Interesting week with symptoms and cravings. My feet are completely back to normal. 
NO swelling at all. It's really nice. 
I think been back home and not having as much food that I haven't Cooked has helped. 

It's all really trial and error isn't it? 

So my stroller... Im obsessed with it. I absolutely love it. 

It's the chicco cortina travel system in zest. 
Everyone I have talked to has NO complaints about it. And seriously!? How cute is it??

We got it on sale from Babies R Us. With a 15% off coupon. And all of the gift cards and money from our showers. 
So seriously thank you to everyone! 

He likes to chill on the side so my belly looks lopsided most of the time... 

Also got a changing table, the crib set up, and allllll of his clothes washed folded and hung up. 
Keep your eyes open for nursery sneak peaks soon!   
Okay and two more just because these two missed me sooo much while I was gone. 

26 weeks

Well in would say I definitely popped. This week. 
I look sooo pregnant! Brad said I don't look huge but I have to say that once he saw me he changed his mind and was shocked at how much I grew /Brody grew in just two weeks. 

It was really really really cool because this  week he didn't have too much room so when he moved it was way to easy to see him Rolling or kicking even from across the room :) 
Closer and closer! 

25 weeks

We were home here... And I didn't have to cook. So I pretty much just ate whatever. I did discover s'mores blizzards from DQ and they are one of God's gifts to man. Seriously. If you haven't ever tried it. Go right now. Get one. And you won't be sorry. 
Swelling feet and legs. Probably from being out of my normal routine. Eating out. Not drinking enough water. Who knows why it actually happens but it does. 
That's about it. :) 

24 weeks

Giant slacker? Yes! 

And because I'm such a slacker I am my even sure I wrote everything down in my journal... And I'm too tired to go get it now. Sorry!