Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Maternity sneak peek

I got the chance to take some maternity photos for Bee's 1st Lt. And his wife the other day, and while I'm super busy getting ready for my trip home and packing and all that goes along with traveling pregnant with swimmers ear I HAD to get some of them edited because they were so beautiful. Brad came along with me and took some also!  Soo cool if you ask me.

Anyways. Here is Kallee and Mark

Thursday, July 18, 2013

23 weeks

23 weeks now...
time is seriously FLYING by.
I am shocked every time I look at the little tracker countdown thing on the what to expect when your expecting.

soo 23 weeks.
cravings: anything and everything I am constantly hungry. I really try to make smart choices and choose things that are nutritious...but sometimes you just want some chips.. or candy.
symptoms. HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE! at my last apt I had high blood pressure were talking like 142-88 which isn't good.
so my doc sent me up to labor and delivery to be monitored... way scarier than it sounds. they just put a BP cuff on me and I laid in bed.
so anyways it went right back down and I had a follow up apt this week to check it again.
it was a little higher than normal but my doctor wasn't as concerned with it. they will just be keeping an eye on it a little closer to make sure were okay.
not much else. a little tired but that means I get to lay down and nap with Daddy. hes been an absolute peach lately and seems to be getting more and more excited for you to come! yesterday I was watching TV. texting daddy while he was at work and i felt you kick my hand. coolest thing EVER! so I moved my hands and saw you kick my belly!!! that was seriously one of the COOLEST things so far. i tried to record you but you wouldn't do it again. I thought it was funny because normally you just squirm around when I have my hands there but I guess your getting big and strong enough to do something about it! I love you so so so much already and I can't wait until I get to hold you.

and some photos from my week.....
my belly is so freaking cute isn't it?

I have been trying so hard to get dressed and ready everyday.. it makes me feel so much better.

daddy nap cuddles. 

harder and harder to paint my toes. spilled half the bottle of sinful colors in Hazard :( my new favorite combo though is that and the other one maybelline express finish in sun sparkle. thanks sees for letting me have that one! the combo makes the perfect summer color. shiny shimmery and i love it. 

yup... you see what that says? 16 weeks and 6 days left. what did I tell you about time flying by?!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

22 weeks


this week. its crazy.
and you know what? I blame coffee. 
its the best thing in the entire world.
I'm not quite sure how I quit drinking it before, but I will NEVER EVER EVER quit again.
I have gotten so much done this week. we had a couple staying with us last weekend and so before that I seriously went to town on our house and cleaned everything
I organized closets, and cleaned our bedroom and bathrooms. I cleaned the downstairs and the garage, I even cleaned the mudroom which is now a LAUNDRY ROOM!
which then helped fuel my cleaning frenzy. as soon as we got the washer and dryer hooked up I went and took all the covers off the couch cushions and washed them. I washed sheets and clothes and blankets. there isn't one dirty piece of fabric in our house. My counselor thinks that I am nesting already. I say who cares what it's called if I'm finally getting stuff done! 
sooo thank you International delight for inventing cinnabon creamer. thank you sydni for introducing it to me. 
and thanks Maxwell house for inventing the wake up coffee!
and before anyone makes any snide comments. I am allowed a little bit of caffeine every day. and my ONE cup of super creamer coffee isn't even close to that. 

 went on a date with the mister too :)
 making some bunny slippers.

what else is new? 
um... it took me a couple weeks to get the dogs in the bath. I was prepared yesterday to go out and wash them in the driveway but couldn't find their shampoo so today we just went to the tub and used regular shampoo. they smell super yummy. 

wet dog jail lol

tomorrow is my next apt for Brody and I cant wait to see how hes doing. 
that's about it!
xoxo Jenn

21 weeks

Cravings: FOOD! seriously anything. I'm so hungry all the time.
even right after I eat. its like BAM eat some more mom please.
scariest thing ever. I hated feeling all crampy and worrying something was wrong.
swelling ankles and feet. like huge.
stretch marks have thanks for that.

Dear Baby B
I love you. its been an interesting week emotionally good. but just a little weird. baths seem to help or water really... we went to the pool and it was seriously the coolest thing ever. I'm so thankful to be pregnant with you during the summer so I can experience that! its like I get in the water and I'm so light! but then as soon as I started climbing the ladder to get out i was like ooomph! super heavy! gravity sucks.

lots of love little man!

20 weeks

Happy 5 months little bee!
I can't believe that were half way there!!

symptoms: none! Ive been so good feeling you move more and more

cravings: sweets! crazy for me because I normally don't crave them at all. but I want them candy, cake, cookies.. any thing,
rings? off.... :( so sad about this, but my fingers were getting so swollen that I was scared I would need to have it cut off. 
love you little bee

19 weeks

guess what?
I took a bump photo this week.
your welcome
I'm totally teasing.
okay so still gonna show some pictures from the week and what i put in the baby journal.
Hey baby boy!
you have grown a ton this week! your no the size of a large heirloom tomato.
about 10 oz. and around 7 inches. (PS they measure you babies from crown (the top of your head) to rump (your booty))
this week you have pushed my belly our and everyone and their mother can for SURE tell that I'm pregnant. which is kind of fun because they don't think hell look at that fat ass.
I had 5 strangers comment in ONE day! one lady? "sorry for staring at your belly its just so cute how its just pushing into everything (we were in line at subway and you wanted to say hi to the chips and give them a kiss. ) then? the two women behind the counter piped up and told me all about their opinions and comments. the other two? are you having a boy? yes crazy how do you know?
Grandpa Camling thinks its really funny... my belly getting bigger. I'm not even going to tell you his comment.
k so cravings? subs. I want to devour them. like in seconds. I'm so hungry all the time. I was willing to walk a couple miles just to go but thankfully Liz offered to bring me.
Love you Brody!
xoxo Mom


18 weeks

My sweet baby boy, you are definitely growing!
this week you are the size of a chicken breast... about 6 inches long and 8 oz. I am enjoying you move around. its the coolest feeling ever.
symptoms: not too many at all! in fact.. I can't think of a thing...
cravings: No bake cookies.. I have made two batches this week and I have eaten about one all by myself.

your next apt is in 3 weeks.. I really wish I could just feel your heart beat or get my own Doppler thing. I looked into it because I saw that there is one you can hook up to your IPhone.. its $2,000
are you serious? (PS that's a lot.. that's about what your daddy makes in one month.) which reminds me I really need to put some receipts in your baby book so you can know the cost of things now vs when your grown and wondering how much stuff cost when you were little.
okay so I was super emotional for a couple days. crying for no reason... hormones are a crazy crazy thing.
Brody I seriously cannot wait until your here.
Lots of love

gas sucks. it makes me want to barf all over the dirty ground.

oh me? I'm just a gardener. watering my plants.

17 weeks

hello baby!
sitting at the doctors waiting for my ultrasound was TORTURE! I was so so so nervous and scared and ugh.
sooo the doctor comes in. has me lay down and gets right to work checking out all the markers for you. they ALLL looked normal! now this doesn't completely expel any chance that you have anything wrong but its enough to put my mind at ease.
I cant believe how much you grew since we last saw you a few weeks ago... wait that was 5 weeks! I guess I sort of can believe it...  I mean you LOOK like a baby now!
sooooo DRUM roll please. because I know everyone else is DYING to know what you are just like we were!

are you as surprised as we were?!
I would totally show you what we saw but I don't want him to kill me one day for displaying his man junk all over the inter web.
but he was NOT shy! he had his legs spread wide open for us to see and let me just say... there was NO question about it.
she didn't tell us how big you were in inches but she did let us know your 6 oz now. I have only gained 8 lbs this WHOLE time! its crazy to me that that's all it is because I'm growing so big now.
the best part?! Daddy picked your name!
Brody Charles Camling
okay so back to my regular weekly baby journal post!
Symptoms: fatigue, swelling in the feet and hands
I could be on my feet too much possibly.... but there's also the heat! its been in the upper 80's for a few days.
cravings: fried pickles thanks to my Father in Law for putting that in my head...
Cheese burgers, fries
love mom

Maternity photos!

we went out and took some maternity photos with Maddy!

we had so much fun doing them, and while I was just a little worried that Brad was going to hate it that was quickly put to rest.
He worked it!
GOSH my husband is a freaking doll.. I love him so much and I could not be luckier to have him!
I know its early to be taking them... 16 weeks is super early to take them. but Maddy is moving to Florida so we need to get them done earlier.
I ate a HUGE breakfast and only had to push out a little! lol
okay enough...
here they are!